Reliable Online Support & Quick Reaction Time

Reliable Online Support & Quick Reaction Time

Don't Wait to Ask - Let us Field Your Request and Resolve Your Incident

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Whatever the case may be – We're here for you!

Competent and committed – we're here to take care of your request! If you have any questions or would like to report an error, our technical support team would gladly help you. If you have a request for technical assistance, please log in to the support portal with your personal login and submit it online. If you do not yet have a personal account, we would be happy to set one up for you.

Fast and reliable

Your main contact person is:
Henning Arlt
Phone +49 4102 / 88 38 38

Would you like a personal meeting? Our team of experts in support is here for you. You can reach us by e-mail or phone:

Support Germany (Headquarters)


 +49 4102 88 38 38

Support ASIA

MO-FR, 9 AM - 11:30 PM SGT

+91 82176 39080 or +65 6562 7880

Support North America

MO-FR, 8 AM - 6 PM EST

+1 617 800 0980 Ext. 111

Support Benelux


 +31 43 7600122

Support Nordic (log-in for Denmark on request)

MO-FR, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CET/CEST

+45 7027 0309

Come to Us for Assistance – Quick, Reliable, PC-to-PC

We use TeamViewer to work for secure access to your PC and a direct view of your screen. Our support representative then has a precise view of the incident at hand, and can provide immediate assistance in troubleshooting. You don't have to worry about installation, configuration or complicated registration. To schedule a TeamViewer session, please call our Technical Support at +49 4102 883838. Then start TeamViewer QuickSupport (see download button below).TeamViewer is an extremely secure solution for remote support. We connect on secure data channels with 1024 Bit RSA Key Exchange and 256 Bit AES Session Encoding.

Download TeamViewer

Overview of Current Software Versions

As part of your valid software maintenance contract, we provide you with the licenses for updates free of charge. If you wish the installation to be performed individually, we would be pleased to put together an individual offer for you.
*All versions dating prior to those listed here have been discontinued. Subject to change without notice. Error excepted.

Please note:

xFlow products have been renamed. The "xFlow" in the product name has been replaced by "xSuite".

Software Current Version Announced Version Supported Version End of Life*
xSuite Business Solutions Cube: Invoice, Procurement, Orders, Order Confirmation, Delivery Notes 5.2.13 5.2.14 (Q3/2025) 5.2.1 - 5.2.x 5.0.x - 5.1.3 (30.06.2019); 5.1.4 - 5.2.0 (31.12.2022); 5.2.1 - 5.2.6 (31.12.2025); 5.2.7 - 5.2.8 (31.12.2026); 5.2.9 (31.12.2027)
xSuite Public Sector Cube 5.2.12 5.2.13 (Q1/2025) 5.2.1 - 5.2.x 5.1.4 - 5.2.0 (31.12.2022); 5.2.1 - 5.2.6 (31.12.2025); 5.2.7 - 5.2.8 (31.12.2026); 5.2.9 (31.12.2027)
xSuite Capture Prism Scan Client 12.0 none 11.x - 12.x 9.x (31.03.2019), 10.x (31.12.2024)
xSuite Capture Prism 2.6 none 2.5.x (based on IDR 5) - 2.6.x 2.3.x (01.10.2022), 2.4.x (01.06.2023), 2.5.x IDR 4 (31.12.2023), 2.5.x IDR 5 (01.06.2025), 2.6.x (31.12.2027)
xSuite Folders Cube 3.10 none 1.x - 3.x none
xSuite Archive Prism 2.0.2 2.0.3 (Q2/2025) 2.0.x 1.0.x - 1.1.x (30.01.2022), 1.2.3 (31.12.2023), 1.2.4 (01.10.2024) , 2.0.0 (31.12.2025), 2.0.1 (31.12.2025)
xSuite Invoice Prism 5.6 none 5.6.x 5.1 (31.12.2020), 5.2 (30.06.2021), 5.3.x (31.12.2023), 5.4.x (31.12.2023), 5.5.x (01.06.2024) , 5.6.x (31.12.2026)
xSuite Interface Prism 5.1 5.2 (Q2/2025) 4.73.x - 5.1.x 4.27.x (31.12.2020), 4.67.x und 4.69.x (30.06.2021), 4.70.x (31.12.2022), 4.71.x (01.06.2023), 4.72.x (01.06.2024), 4.73 (LTS to 2026)
DOCUMENTS by otris 5.i 5j 5h, 5i To 5f (31.12.2021), 5g (31.12.2022), 5h (31.12.2024), Support Documents 5 to 12/2026
EASY ENTERPRISE.i 3.95 none - discontinued none - discontinued 3.95
EASY Archive (incl. EEX, Smart) 7.0 none 6.2.x - 7.0.x To 7.0 (SR5) (26.2.2023), bis 7.0 (SR8) (26.2.2024), 7.0 (SR9) (26.2.2026), 6.2 (SR15) (28.9.2025)
EASY for Exchange 2.1.8 none 2.1.8 2.1.5 (30.06.2022), 2.1.6 (31.12.2022), 2.1.7 (31.12.2024), 2.1.8 (31.12.2026)
Lexmark/Saperion (ECM Suite / ECM Foundation) EP6 none EP6 7.5.6 (31.12.2019), 8.0 (31.12.2020), 8.1 (01.01.2023), EP4 (29.01.2023)
IRISXtract for Documents 5.0 none 5.x 3.2 (31.12.2016), 4.x (31.12.2023), 5.x (31.12.2027)
Kofax Transformation Modules (KTM) 6.4 none 6.3 - 6.4 6.1 (20.07.2019), 6.2 (18.05.2021), 6.3 (19.04.2023), 6.4 (09.12.2024)
Kofax Capture (Ascent Capture) 11.1 none 11.1 10.x (19.08.2020), 11.0 (15.01.2024)
xSuite Core Prism none - discontinued none - discontinued (01.06.2022)
xSuite Encore Prism 3.2 none 3.x none
otris contract 4 none 4 update required

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