The Issuer and Operator of this Website and Responsible for the Content is:
xSuite Group GmbH
Hamburger Str. 12
D-22926 Ahrensburg, Germany
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Commercial Register Ahrensburg Regional Court, commercial Register Entry:
HRB 3382 AH
VAT ID no. DE163698547
General Management
Dr. Haiko van Lengen, Matthias Lemenkühler, Andreas Nowottka, Thomas Radestock
General Information on Visits to the Websites of xSuite Group GmbH (hereinafter „xSuite“)
Legal Notice including Copyright
Image Rights
Such materials are covered to the greatest possible extent by copyright and other protective laws. The website may also contain design elements subject to third-party copyrights.
Images are used in conformity with copyright laws. Either the rights are originally owned by xSuite Group GmbH or use of images proceeds with the informed consent of the rights owner. xSuite reserves all rights to the texts, pictures, graphs and multimedia contents used in the design of our websites.
Unless expressly allowed, contents (also pictures, graphs or texts) on the website or excerpts must not be copied, disseminated, changed or made available to third parties without the written consent of xSuite. All contents on the websites of xSuite are prepared with great care. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed. All information made available on these sites is non-binding and serves to give preliminary guidance.
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The providers of third-party websites linked to this xSuite website are responsible in each case for their websites. xSuite is not responsible for the contents on such third-party websites, expressly distances itself from the contents on all sites linked to this xSuite website and does not adopt the linked content as its own. In case of illegal, erroneous or incomplete contents and in particular in case of damage caused by the use or non-use of information provided in this way, only the provider of the site to which the link relates is liable, not any party which merely refers to such information through a link. In addition other websites can be linked to the xSuite website without the knowledge of xSuite. xSuite assumes no responsibility for presentations, contents or any other connection to xSuite on third-party websites.
xSuite is responsible for the contents of others only if xSuite had positive knowledge of such contents (i.e. also of unlawful or criminal content) and it would be technically possible and reasonable for xSuite to prevent their use. However, xSuite is not obliged under the Teleservices Act to continuously monitor such contents. xSuite is not liable for damage caused by the use of these sites or by user errors. Although this web presence was created with great care and diligence, xSuite cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided there. xSuite excludes any and all liability for damage caused directly or indirectly by the use of this website except for damage arising from willful intent or gross negligence on the part of xSuite or of its agents or representatives.
EASY ENTERPRISE® is a registered mark of EASY Software AG.
SAP®, SAP ERP, ABAP/4, SAP ArchiveLink, SAP Business Workflow, SAP NetWeaver und alle SAP Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE in Germany and in other different countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies and are used only to identify the products.
Data Protection
You will find more information on data protection here: LINK
xSuite Group GmbH, Ahrensburg
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We develop software applications for document-based processes. With our globally standardized digital solutions, workflows are simple, secure and time-saving. We digitalize and automate your purchasing, accounts payable and ordering procedures, and provide practical file management and archiving products.
Hier klicken für die deutschsprachige Version der Webseite.
We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential, while others help us improve this website and your user experience. You can subsequently modify your preference setting at any time in the footer under "Cookie Settings".
Clicking on "Accept all" will take you to the English-language website. With your consent pursuant to Art. 49 (1) a) GDPR, personal data may be transferred to third countries that do not have a level of data protection comparable to that of the EU. It cannot be completely ruled out that US authorities may evaluate this data in the course of investigations.
Wir nutzen Cookies auf unserer Website. Einige von ihnen sind essenziell, während andere uns helfen, diese Website und Ihre Nutzererfahrung zu verbessern. Ihre Präferenz-Einstellung können Sie nachträglich jederzeit im Footer unter "Cookie-Einstellungen" modifizieren.
Durch Klicken auf "Alle akzeptieren" gelangen Sie zur deutschsprachigen Website und willigen zudem nach Art. 49 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO ein, dass Ihre Daten in die USA übertragen und dort verarbeitet werden. Derzeit gilt die USA nach Meinung des EuGHs als Drittland und das Risiko der Einsichtnahme durch US-Behörden kann nicht vollkommen ausgeschlossen werden.
This tool will help you to select and disable various tags / tracker / analysis tools used on this website.This tool will help you to select and disable various tags / tracker / analysis tools used on this website.
Diese Cookies sind immer aktiviert, da sie für Grundfunktionen der Website erforderlich sind. Hierzu zählen Cookies, mit denen z.B die korrekte Sprache des ausgewählten Landes angezeigt wird. Über diese Cookies setzen wir eine Session-ID, um den Status des Webseitenbesuchers (z.B. PHPSESSID) über Seitenanfragen hinweg erhalten zu können.
These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. These include cookies that show information in the language selected. They are used to set a session ID to allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or from session to session.
Um eine Unterhaltung weiterführen oder aufnehmen zu können wird diese Cookie von Intercom von Ihnen als Lead gespeichert.
Das Haupt-Cookie für die Erfassung von Besuchern. Es enthält: die Domain, das Benutzertoken (utk, siehe unten), den ersten Zeitstempel (des ersten Besuchs), den letzten Zeitstempel (des letzten Besuchs), den aktuellen Zeitstempel (für diesen Besuch) und die Sitzungszahl (erhöht sich mit jeder nachfolgenden Sitzung). (Gültig: 2 Jahre)
Dieses Cookie dient zur Erfassung der Identität eines Benutzers. Dieses Cookie wird bei der Einsendung eines Formulars an HubSpot übergeben und beim Deduplizieren von Kontakten verwendet. (Gültig: 10 Jahre)
Cookie für die Erfassung von Sitzungen. Dieses wird verwendet, um zu ermitteln, ob wir die Sitzungszahl und die Zeitstempel im __hstc-Cookie erhöhen müssen. Es enthält: die Domain, die Zahl der Seitenaufrufe (viewCount, erhöht sich mit jedem Seitenaufruf in einer Sitzung) und den Sitzungsbeginn-Zeitstempel. (Gültig: 30 min)
Jedes Mal, wenn HubSpot das Sitzungscookie ändert, wird dieses Cookie ebenfalls gesetzt. Wir setzen es einfach auf den Wert „1“ und verwenden es, um zu ermitteln, ob der Benutzer seinen Browser neu gestartet hat. Wenn dieses Cookie zum Zeitpunkt unserer Cookie-Verwaltung nicht vorhanden ist, können wir davon ausgehen, dass es sich um eine neue Sitzung handelt.
In order to be able to continue or record a conversation, this cookie is stored by Intercom as your lead.
The main cookie for capturing visitors. It contains: the domain, the user token (utk, see below), the first timestamp (of the first visit), the last timestamp (of the last visit), the current timestamp (for this visit) and the session count (increases with each subsequent one). (Valid: 2 years)
This cookie is used to capture the identity of a user. This cookie is submitted to HubSpot upon submission of a form and used when deduplicating contacts. (Valid: 10 years)
Cookie for recording sessions. This is used to determine if we need to increase the session count and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains: the domain, the number of pageviews (viewCount, increases with each pageview in a session) and the session start timestamp. (Valid: 30 min)
Each time HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set. We simply set it to "1" and use it to determine if the user has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist at the time of our cookie management, we can assume that this is a new session.
Diese Cookies (_gat_gtag_UA_, _gid, _ga) sind auch Bestandteil der Analyse von Google Analytics und dienen der Unterscheidung der einzelnen Besucher unserer Webseite. Zudem wird der Cookie von Google im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung des Google Tag Manager verwendet, um die innerhalb des „Tag Managers“ eingeführten Codes herunterzuladen und zusammen mit dem Tracking-Tool Google Analytics aufzubereiten.
Advertising cookies collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within and beyond this website. These cookies (_gat_gtag_UA_, _gid, _ga) are part of the analysis provided by Google Analytics and serve to distinguish between different website visitors. Google also uses cookies for the Google Tag Manager, downloading them in Tag Manager code and preparing them for analysis with the tracking tool Google Analytics.