xSuite Reference Customers

xSuite Reference Customers

Companies that thrive in today's competitive marketplace make effective use of modern information technologies. Numerous well-known organizations have successfully installed our xSuite solutions. If you are assessing whether xSuite solutions will fit to your conditions, case studies and references of these companies have shared will be of help to you.

Find the Reference that Fits

Dürkopp Adler AG
Purchase orders in SAP,
Invoices in SAP

Industry I Mechanical Engineering

Dürkopp Adler GmbH manufactures industrial sewing machines and relies on xSuite. They use our solutions for invoice processing and procurement in SAP.

EACOM Timber Corporation
Invoices in SAP

EACOM Timber Corporation relies on xSuite's solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

Edel SE & Co. KGaA
Invoices in SAP
Media and Publishers

Edel SE & Co. KGaA is one of the leading independent media groups in Europe. They use xSuite's solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

Emery Oleochemicals
Purchase orders in SAP,
Invoices in SAP

Industry I Chemistry

"With xSuite, we are able to standardize our P2P process worldwide and achieve a new level of performance and satisfaction not only among our employees and the management but also utlimately among our vendors."

Case study Emery Oleochemicals

Encevo Group
Invoices in SAP
Energy, gas and water supply and disposal

Encevo Group operates in the energy sector and relies on xSuite. They use our solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

F. Reyher Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG

The company F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG operates in the wholesale and foreign trade of connection technology and relies on xSuite's solutions.

Fahrzeug-Werke LUEG AG
Invoices in SAP

Fahrzeug-Werke Lueg AG is one of the largest mobility providers in Germany. They rely on xSuite's solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

Fides Verrechnungs- & Dienstleistungs GmbH
Invoices in SAP

Fides Verrechnungs- & Dienstleistungs GmbH operates in the business services market and relies on xSuite's solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

Fjernvarme Fyn
Purchase orders in SAP,
Invoices in SAP

Energy, gas and water supply and disposal

The energy supplier Fjernvarme Fyn relies on xSuite's solutions for procurement and invoice processing in SAP.

Forschungszentrum Jülich
Invoices Public Sector,

Research and Education

The Jülich Research Center is one of the largest research institutions in Europe and a customer of xSuite. It relies on our invoice processing solutions for the public sector and for e-invoices.

Foss Analytical A/S
Invoices in SAP
Industry I Mechanical Engineering

Foss Analytical A/S produces analytical equipment for the food and agricultural industry. The company uses our solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Invoices Public Sector,
Invoices in SAP

Public Administration

The city administration of Bremen relies on xSuite's solutions for invoice processing in SAP and for the public sector.

GCP Applied Technologies
Invoices in SAP
Industry I Chemistry

The chemical company GCP Applied Technologies relies on xSuite's solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

[Translate to English:] GCP Applied Technologies

Gelsenwasser AG
Invoices in SAP,

Energy, gas and water supply and disposal

Gelsenwasser AG is an infrastructure and utility company that relies on xSuite. They use our solutions for invoice processing in SAP and for e-invoices.

Greater Union
Contract Management,

Media and Publishers

Greater Union operates in the cinema industry and relies on xSuite. It uses our solutions for contract management and invoice processing.

Greene Tweed
Invoices in SAP

Greene Tweed is an industry expert in high-performance seals, thermoplastics and composite materials. The company uses our solutions for invoice processing in SAP.

Hannover Airport
Invoices Public Sector
Public Administration

Hannover Airport uses xSuite's invoice processing solution for the public sector.

Hannover Airport

Hansgrohe SE
Invoices in SAP

"This is one of the great advantages of the SAP-integrated xSuite solution. The AP clerks from accounting department remain in a single environment from the beginning. Unnecessary data transfers have been discontinued."

Case study Hansgrohe SE

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