Expert Knowledge on Digitalization & Automation of Business Processes
Expert Knowledge on Digitalization & Automation of Business Processes
Topic: AP Automation | SAP | Digitalization
Accounts payable has seen fundamental change in recent years. Compliance requirements – that is, the obligation to adhere to certain rules – comprehensive reporting, a growing shortage of skilled workers, a lack of specialist knowledge (so-called skill gaps) and, most recently, mandatory B2B e-invoicing (especially in Europe and Asia) as well as upcoming system migrations (especially for SAP user companies) are keeping those in charge of financial accounting on their toes.
As an expert in accounting automation, I would like to share the most important developments and current challenges with you today.
Most importantly, the switch to fully digital invoice processing is no longer optional but has instead become a legal obligation. XML formats for e-invoicing are the new required standards in a lot of countries. Many accountants are still struggling when it comes to integrating these formats into existing systems and converting internal processes.
Modern AI-driven systems are increasingly used for invoice recognition and recording. This means that accounts payable clerks have to acquire new skills that focus less on manual data entry, but more on process monitoring and exception handling.
AI also holds great potential in the areas of forecasting and analysis as well as risk management and compliance. In the future, these topics will also pose new challenges in the context of financial accounting as data protection, qualified employees, system integration and ensuring accurate, reliable AI-driven analyses play an important role here as well.
Treat change as an opportunity! Invest in your digital skills and integrate automation into your invoicing processes, so you can focus on value-adding activities. The future of accounts payable lies in strategic process control and data analysis.
Find out what concrete potential AP automation offers to you in our benchmark report on automated invoice processing. The report incorporates data from over 180 customer health checks – process analyses performed for customers – so it provides a representative basis for comparison: to the benchmark report: Digital Invoice Processing