The xSuite Group, an international company that specializes in document-based processes, has just been successfully certified according to ISO/IEC 27001. The certificate attests that the company’s product development meets the information security requirements defined in ISO 27001. The certificate is valid for three years and is confirmed through annual surveillance audits performed by German TÜV Nord.
ISO/IEC 27001 is the leading international standard for information security management systems (ISMS), making it one of the most important cyber security certifications. It specifies the conditions an ISMS must meet. The xSuite certificate covers the development of software products (cloud and on-premises) for the procedural handling of inbound administrative documents in companies as well as supporting IT operations and other corporate functions.
Richard Nagorny, CFO of xSuite Group: “ISO certification is essential in light of the strong growth of our business activities, which extends beyond the DACH region. Today, international or foreign customers in particular demand proof of compliance with objective quality criteria before they award their contracts.”
The company-wide ISMS set up via xSuite defines and documents the processes and structures in product development. By means of a continuous improvement process, it guarantees that information security is ensured and improved over the long term. The ISMS delivers numerous concrete task instructions and technical specifications. The establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the management system ensure that proprietary and third-party product development information is protected, whether it exists in digital or analog format or even if it’s in the minds of employees.
“The audits conducted as part of the certification are an effective way to communicate to our customers how committed we are to information and IT security,” says Richard Nagorny. “The trust of our customers lays the foundation of our business success. That’s why we will continue to demonstrate our commitment to the highest safety standards through ongoing recertification audits.”
Read press release hereRichard Nagorny, CFO at the xSuite Group
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We develop software applications for document-based processes. With our globally standardized digital solutions, workflows are simple, secure and time-saving. We digitalize and automate your purchasing, accounts payable and ordering procedures, and provide practical file management and archiving products.
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