xSuite Group has consolidated its previously separate Finance and Controlling divisions, with Mareike Perrey taking charge of the new division as Head of Finance and Controlling from April 1, 2022. The company’s ongoing growth and increasingly international outlook, in particular its focus on the US market, were key to its decision to implement the new organizational structure.
Boasting extensive accounting expertise, Mareike Perrey (30) is ideally qualified to fill the role of Head of Finance and Controlling. She earned her integrated bachelor’s degree working at Hugo Boss AG in Metzingen, where she was able to gain significant international business experience and, upon graduation, was taken on as a Group Accountant. This role provided her with extensive experience, requiring her to supervise subsidiary companies in Northern Europe and the United States, take charge of selected work topics at group level, and introduce a process management system. During her master's degree at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, she worked for Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg (monitoring and optimizing financial processes) and for esyoil GmbH, Lüneburg (implementation of ISO 9001:2015 certification).
Perrey began her career at xSuite Group GmbH in 2018 as a Financial Controller. In 2020 she was made Group Accountant/Team Lead Accounting & Tax, a role that saw her play a major role in the development and professionalization of xSuite’s finance division. The company’s focus on the US market and its resulting ongoing corporate growth now also require that xSuite further internationalize its internal processes. Mareike Perrey’s appointment to the position of Head of Finance and Controlling was the logical consequence of this. In this new role, Perrey is responsible for implementing standardized finance and controlling processes across all of xSuite Group’s foreign companies. Richard Nagorny, xSuite Group CFO: "We see Ms. Perrey as the ideal candidate for this role. She is, after all, very familiar with international corporate controlling and has in-depth specialist knowledge to show," he explains. "Her expertise has proven instrumental in strengthening our finance division over the past four years."
Read press release hereMareike Perrey, Head of Finance and Controlling
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