Target Group Oriented Trainings

Target Group Oriented Trainings

All Courses of the ACADEMY

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Course Descriptions & Information

Course Descriptions, Training Dates and Terms and Conditions

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The Team of the ACADEMY

We'll get you set for xSuite!

To the Team of the ACADEMY

Certification for xSuite Partners

Things to know for solution partners

Go to the Partner Information

Regulations for classroom training at the ACADEMY

We offer you the possibility to schedule further trainings (online or in small groups) on request. Read more... 

Please get in touch with us:  
E-Mail to the ACADEMY

Courses that Meet Your Company’s Needs

We have developed target group-specific training courses for administrators and key users which, among other things, are designed to illustrate the workflow-controlled process of invoice receipt verification. This is how we clear out time for the tasks that are most important to you. In practice, the use of workflows for companies requires a one-time technical implementation - but afterwards, above all, continuous and professional handling of the workflow by users and administrators. In addition to a fundamental understanding of the solution, this includes rapid adaptation to internal and external changes and processes. 

Certification for Partners

xSuite ACADEMY Certification Program for xSuite Cube Partners

Our ACADEMY offers our solution partners a comprehensive training and continuing education program. Our training program ensures compliance with the standards of our workflow solutions and makes you fit for our xSuite products. Trainers with practical experience prepare you for the challenges involved in on-site installation so that you experience success in project implementation. 

As an xSuite Cube Partner, you have the opportunity to become certified as follows:

  • As a certified xSuite Solution Partner, you independently acquire and win new customer projects and implement them – according to your respective product certification.
  • As a certified xSuite Realization Partner, you as a contractor realize our projects at the customer's site – according to your respective product certification.
    Upon completion of the SDK courses, you will attain „Development“ status. With this you are able to customize and provide extensions for our solutions independently. In addition, you can develop your own new customer solutions based on xSuite’s software, in line with the product certification you have earned.


xSuite ACADEMY Certification Program for xSuite Helix Partner (Cloud Partner)

Our ACADEMY offers our cloud partners a comprehensive training and continuing education program. As a certified xSuite Helix (cloud) Partner, you independently acquire and win new customer projects and implement them – according to your respective product certification.

As an xSuite Helix Partner, you have the opportunity to become certified as follows:

  • As a certified Cloud Partner Basis, you independently acquire and win new customer projects. 
  • As a certified Cloud Partner Archive, you independently acquire and win new customer projects and implement them.
  • As a certified Cloud Partner Capture, you independently acquire and win new customer projects and implement them.

The Team of the ACADEMY

xSuite ACADEMY Team

We'll get you set for xSuite!

Current Note

The following regulations apply to classroom training at the ACADEMY

For your protection we have developed an hygiene concept. The following regulations are binding:

  • It is not permitted to enter the xSuite premises with a positive COVID-19 test.
  • If you suffer from acute respiratory symptoms such as cough or sore throat, please refrain from attending.
  • If you have to cancel a training session due to cold symptoms, there are no cancellation fees as long as a timely alternate date is selected.
  • The maximum number of individuals allowed in the course room is 7 (up to 6 participants and 1 instructor).
  • Rooms will be thoroughly ventilated during breaks.
  • Hand disinfectant will be readily available.

For further questions:  E-mail to the ACADEMY Team

We'll get you set for xSuite!

xSuite Archive Prism Admin Training
On demand
Archiving | Administration
xSuite Capture Prism Admin Training
On demand
Capture | Administration
xSuite Capture Prism Key User Training
On demand
Capture | Key Users
xSuite Invoice Enhanced Administrator Training: Setting up New Company Codes
On demand
Invoice processing | Administration
Sales Training (Partner)
On demand
PreSales Training (Partner)
On demand
Invoice processing | Partners
Technical Basics — xSuite Interface/Capture Prism (Partner)
On demand
Capture | Partners
xSuite Archive Prism Training (Partner)
On demand
Archiving | Partners
SDK – Software Development Kit (Partner)
On demand
Development | Partners
Technical Basics/xSuite Orders Cube (Partner)
On demand
Order processing | Partners
Technical Basics — xSuite Procurement/Order Confirmation Cube (Partner)
On demand
Procurement | Partners
xSuite Orders Cube Admin Training
On demand
Order processing | Administration
xSuite Order Confirmation Cube Admin Training
On demand
Procurement | Administration
SDK Fiori– Software Development Kit Fiori (Partner)
On demand
Development | Partners
xSuite Procurement Cube Admin Training
On demand
Procurement | Administration
Sales and PreSales xSuite Helix (Partner)
On demand
Sales Cloud | Cloud Partners
Onboarding xSuite Helix (Cloud Partner)
On demand
Sales Cloud | Cloud Partners
Technical Basics – xSuite Interface Prism (Basis + Proxy)
On demand
Basics Cloud | Cloud Partners
Workshop xSuite Archive Helix (Cloud Partner)
On demand
Archiving Cloud | Cloud Partners
Technical Basics — xSuite Basic/Invoice Cube (Partner)
On demand
Invoice processing | Partners
Workshop xSuite Capture Helix (Cloud Partner)
On demand
Capture Cloud | Cloud Partners
xSuite Basic/Invoice Cube Admin Training
On demand
Invoice processing | Administration
Technical Basics – xSuite Interface Prism, Version 5 (Basis + Proxy) (Cloud & SAP Partner)
On demand
Basics Cloud + SAP | Partners + Cloud Partners

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